Friday, October 7, 2011

Friend Fridays...

Welcome to this week's edition of Friend Fridays, sponsored by ModlyChic.

1. Do you ever see a fad hit the stores and immediately dislike it?  Has that fad ever began to grow on you?

Honestly, my natural instinct is to immediately dislike MOST fads initially. Shopping tends to be difficult for me because most often I wander through racks of clothes at most stores thinking to myself, "Meh."
Oftentimes, though, after a fab has lingered for a while, my eyes adjust to it, and I'm better able to evaluate whether or not it would work for me (for my shape, my lifestyle, my budget, etc). I might start seeking out the perfect piece that incorporates the fab, but makes it accessible and just right for me.

2. Has the popularity of a certain piece of clothing or line ever convinced you to try on something (or purchase something) you  dislike?

I have never really been someone to plunk down money for a name. I have almost always just bought the clothes I like.
That said, I can think of a few things I have bought that at the time I thought I liked, but in retrospect, I probably bought for the name. I remember owning an entire Champion outfit back in middle school and a pair of Fila sneakers in high school. They were popular brands, and I was an unpopular kid. The math just worked out.

3. Have you ever changed your mind about a trend after seeing it  around for a while?

I think when a trend has been around for a while, our eyes begin to adjust to it. It grows on us. Sometimes dislike turns to toleration which eventually can turn into open-mindedness if a look lingers long enough.
Growing up, I was taught that tights with open-toed shoes was a big no-no, but nowadays I sport that look without batting an eyelash. When ballet flats first re-emerged, I found them frumpy and a bit little-girl looking. Now flats are my saving grace when I just can't wear heels.

4. Do you feel a certain pressure to have specific items in your  closet because 'everyone' else does?

I don't feel pressured to own something because everyone else has it. If anything, that's more motivation for me to NOT cave into a fashion fad. I don't need to stand out like a neon sign, but I do like to be a little bit different from the crowd. After all, as George S. Patton said, "If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."

5. Be honest, what do you think of the Missoni line? Did you grab any  items? Is it worth the eBay prices?

I used to hate the colors and the chevron stripes. Both have grown on me, but I wasn't so overwhelmed with the collection that I felt the need to go get any of it. Looking online, I found a few pieces I thought were sorta cute, and if they were in my closet, I would wear them. But no, I definitely don't think they are worth spending the amount of money people are asking on Ebay. I have seen several bloggers wearing Missoni-esque pieces that they thrifted for pennies. Why blow your budget on a name?


  1. Love this quote from Patton!! "If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." I need to use it more often. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. - Katy

  2. I agree completely- "Why blow your budget on a name?" Sound reasoning!

    starcrossedsmile knits
    star-crossed smile

  3. @Katy: i have loved that quote since i found it back in high school. i think its perfect for the blogging world!

    @Nenna: i think some brands are good quality, and THAT is worth spending money, but not just for the name!

  4. Why blow your budget on a name that isn't even attached to the quality associated with the name?
    that's pretty much how i feel about all the designer collabs. If I can find something on the clearance rack in a month I will happily take it home though.

    Chic on the Cheap

  5. Agree with Katy on that quote - what a great one to use :)

    Fads are all very well but I think I start to like them when they turn from a fad into something that'll stick around for a while longer.

  6. @Lyddie: exactly! quality is worth it, but labels arent. i hope you enjoyed your trip to DC!

    @Emily: im the same way. if its something that i can turn into a staple, then its worth looking into. otherwise, i will only buy into a trend if it doesnt involve much actual buying.
